Monday, August 4, 2014

TV Shows I Adore

So I really love TV and recommend all of these shows. 

American Horror Story
This show is psychologically thrilling and scary and brilliant and I love it.

LOOK AT BEAU MIRCHOFF. LOOK AT HIM. Also, Sadie is my spirit animal. You're welcome.

Bates Motel
Some really cool Oedipal shit goes down. Plus, look at Freddie Highmore.

Catfish: The TV Show
If you don't want to be best friends with Nev and Max after watching one episode, you're doing it wrong. 

Criminal Minds
This is the only crime-related show I watch. The cast has so much chemistry and I love every single character. And I adore Matthew Gray Gubler.

Dance Moms

This show is definitely my guilty pleasure. This dance give me goosebumps every time I watch it. 

Faking It
Because who doesn't love fake lesbians and high school angst?

Finding Carter

This show is very new, but the premise is so interesting and the character development is great. I love MTV.

Girl Code
Girl Code just gives fantastic advice and really hits home with what it means to be a girl. 

Girl Meets World
Okay, don't judge me. I was a HUGE Boy Meets World fan when I was a kid. Also, my main niggy and previous neighbor of 14 years, Peyton Meyer, is in it (he's the ridiculously good-looking one on the far right). So yeah.

Now that I have embarrassed myself by revealing how much TV I watch, go check these awesome shows out! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I Love Lucy?

Today, I saw the most strangely wonderful/ thought provoking movie ever and I am still pretty messed up from it so here comes an extremely nonsensical and odd entry. Sorry in advance. No spoilers, I promise ;)

Lucy is a movie about this woman named, well, Lucy (played by Scarlett Johansson) who is implanted with this drug that gives her the ability to use more of her brain than average humans, or beings for that matter.
You see, as humans, we only use about 10% of our brain. That is more than every other living being on this Earth, all except for (you guessed it) dolphins. Too bad they don't have opposable thumbs or mankind would be totally fucked.
Basically, Lucy gains more and more brain power throughout the movie, which gives her strange abilities that really make you think. 
It is an interesting premise for a film, really. It's hard to believe that mankind has done so much with only 10% of their noggins in the game. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone used more? What does more brain power entail? Could you control objects? Other people? Could we exist without time? This movie explores those theories and creates a very interesting and infuriating need to think twice about every experience you have ever had. 
I highly recommend the film. I was enthralled the whole time. I still am.
On a lighter note, the guy next to me was so incredibly baked and his reactions throughout the movie were priceless. Pretty sure it destroyed his entire life. When the lights came up and the credits rolled and people began to exit the theater, he just sat there. He had the most disturbed and blank look on his face, like he was reevaluating everything. For all I know, he may still be sitting there. So, stoned guy from the Lucy showing, I truly hope you are alright.
K guys, have fun pondering existence. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Two drifters off to see the world..."

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) is one of my favorite films of all time, and I just felt like sharing this song with you. Audrey Hepburn was truly beautiful and this scene just melts my heart. She is so classy and elegant and classic and one of the greatest actresses of all time. And if you have never watched this movie, DO IT NOW. 

"Moon River" from the famous film Breakfast at Tiffany's in the style of Audrey Hepburn

College and mothers and stuff

Sooooo... college is right around the corner. In 28 days, I will be leaving my home and venturing out into the beautiful town of Fort Collins, Colorado to become a CSU Ram.

It's hard to believe that I have been waiting my whole high school career for this very moment, and the fact that it is happening in less than a month is exciting and stressful and bittersweet and terrifying and wonderful all at the same time.
I am the eldest of the family, the first bird to leave the nest, and my mother is taking it extremely hard. I guess it's weird, seeing your kid every day for eighteen whole years and one day, they just up and leave to a whole new place without you. She cries at the mere mention of me leaving. It's so hard because I am so excited to move and start my new life, but she is so heartbroken. I never know how to respond when she breaks down, so I just nervous laugh and assure her that I am not leaving quite yet.
They say it doesn't hit the kids until they are moved in and their parents leave them, which I believe is true. After a week of eating ice cream and Hot Cheetos for every meal and staying up until 3AM doing hoodrat things, I will realize that I miss my mom. Really miss her. I will miss sitting at the dinner table chatting while she cooks, I will miss little Starbucks outings that we have shared, I will miss my laundry magically being clean and folded neatly in my drawers. I will miss having her there to help me out of every little crisis that penetrates my fragile and protected life.
But I guess that this is all part of growing up. It's all completely necessary, I know. Kids have to leave and grow up and get a job and then, eventually, start the cycle with families of their own. I know I will feel exactly how my mother feels when I have a little one leaving to a new place.
So, for now, I will be extra appreciative of the time I have with my mom. I know I will always cherish the time I spend with her, and I hope to one day share the same special bond with my children.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Random Thought of the Day

Do you have that person in your life that you knew when they were going through their awkward stage and they liked you at the time but you didn't like them because they were really awkward and then you guys kind of drifted apart and he moved to Texas and NOW HE IS A COMPLETE BABE? No? Just me? Cool.

Brendon Urie, will you marry me?

As my official first music post on this blog (the first of many, might I add), I would like to share a gloriously wonderful video with you kids. Panic! At the Disco is one of my favorite bands, and the lead singer, Brendon Urie, has the voice of an angel and I am having his babies. End of story. 

Anyway, this is the piano version of P!ATD's hit song "This Is Gospel" off of their new album Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die. Please enjoy it in all of its glory. 

Hello there

Hey there, world!

My name is Katie, and I am eighteen years old, born and raised in the not-so-fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada (by the way, it's pronounced neh-vah-duh, not neh-vaw-duh: get it right).
I'll bet you are wondering why on earth I decided to start a blog.
Beside my obsession with MTV's Awkward and the fabulously treacherous blog Jenna writes, my roommate was the one who convinced me. Her name is Carolyn, and you can follow her blog here.
I've honestly always considered starting a blog. There are a lot of thoughts floating around in this head of mine, and an outlet of some kind is needed in order for me to stay fairly sane.
A little about myself: I am extremely outgoing, bubbly, and sassy. My favorite color is green. Favorite food pizza. I *adore* cats. I am going to be a CSU Ram starting in the fall, and I will major in English Education. I love music, movies, and musicals of all kinds. I hate asparagus and adult diapers scare me. So there.
Hopefully you will get to learn more about me through this blog and I apologize in advance for any and all future weirdness that occurs here. Then again, I don't really care what you think. Thanks for reading!